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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Hit and Run

today was just bad bad bad bad! in school it just was totally like hell.. and then while driving back home, this one KELING lady very the stupid one, dunno how to drive is it?! hit my car and ran away! DAMN IT DAMN IT DAMN IT! this is my first accident.. damn it!

she was suppose to be on the left side of the lane because she wants to go straight. but noooooo.. where was she? on the very most right of the lane! like hello?! the right lane is suppose to be for the people who are going to turn right. the most left lane is for going straight, meanwhile the middle lane, you can choose both. FOR HEAVENS SAKE DOESN'T SHE KNOWS THAT?!! STUUUUUUUUUUPIDDDDDDDDDDDDDD! Dh la langgar krete org! pastu lari plak! nk je CEPUK muke keling tu! nasib baik krete calar jer, kalo kemek, dah sah sah, pegi cari dia sampai lubang cacing...

you makcik the very $%$&)(&$*#^$%^@*#!$&@#%^#^%&@*$^*@($&!@*~_@*~#_7*$^@&#^!(&@#(!)$&$@*#&*(@^%R&@^$@&$^&!$#^!&*@^%~$%^@&*%&#*)$*@(#&%@&$&%@&*#^!#*!_#$*(!$&!^$!(^#$!*($^!#^%!#!(#(!)#$(!*%!$*(!~@(!~+3491+93`0!!!!


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