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Monday, January 30, 2012

Boucar 1 Malaysia TIDAK BOLEH DIJUAL !

Perhatian! Pelajar jual Baucar Buku 1Malaysia boleh dipenjara tidak lebih lima tahun, selain denda dan sebat.
This has been going on and on over facebook, and frankly, I'm getting sick and tired over it so I decided to write an article about it.
This annoyance finally reached me when a junior of mine from UiTM Lendu tried to play the smarty pants attitude.
I was sad for her because she has fallen victim to the idiocy of politics where the Rakyat gets stupid enough to be the puppets of... whatever.
Where were we, ah yes, smarty pants.
To make you understand why am i annoyed by this matter, I should explain what's going on first.
As we all know, the government decided to give us RM 200 worth in a form of 4 pieces of RM 50 gift vouchers for our books to be used for our education.
However, some people decided they actually wanted money because they really need it for something else.
So what they did was they sold the vouchers through the internet via
Some people also advertise that they accept the vouchers as token for money if they wanted to buy cellphones and stuff like that.
The government of course was made aware of this situation and decided to do something drastic about it.
So, since the STUDENTS seemed to be misusing the vouchers that they have been given, the government reported this action to the police and they stated that this action is a serious criminal offence and students selling or misusing the vouchers can be imprisoned for not more than 5 years, besides getting the whip of the cane and fined.
Back to the main story.
The actual reason why I'm so annoyed by this is because a junior of mine became a dog of politics (to put it in Fullmetal Alchemist terminology).
She actually tried to make people see how evil the government is, (please note that I remain neutral in any political business because I simply don't care and politics actually destroys many peoples life).
I quote

"menteri rompak juta2 ..penjara 1 tahun je.. baucer yg rm200 5 tahun...akal ada ka??"

"it's just not fair, can't you see?? orang2 besar dalam kerajaan buat hal, kena penjara, setahun je.. makan rasuah berjuta2..."

"budak2 yang terdesak nak guna duit, swap THEIR BV to cash, kena penjara siap sebat ape sume."

As you can read, she is clearly running away from the point of why this is a simple yet heinous crime.
She tried to justify that the higher up's in the government do lots of crimes and only get sentenced to one year in prison, so why should just a mere case of the voucher be sentenced to 5 years in jail besides getting caned and fined.
She even said that students need real money instead of vouchers.
So, in response to her, I said this,

"i don't see much of a point, never mind the government politics.. even when ptptn is given to students, they use it just to buy new handphones, in the past when ptptn was given to full amount terus to the student, student actually terus beli kereta guna duit tu. terdesak with money is the reason why students apply for ptptn, if it is not enough they find part time jobs to support themself. now for a rm 200 book voucher, why the fuss?"

Obviously she was not satisfied so she asked,

" LET'S MAKE IT SIMPLE my dear, i just want u to think.. IS IT FAIR FOR THIS 2 CASES? terima rasuah berjuta=penjara setahun. jual BV=penjara+sebat+denda. takya lah cakap pasal budak2 yang swap2 tu. THIS IS THE MAIN THING."

Now, I actually tried to reason with her so that she actually state a clever point without involving any politics in her reason.
She did so and she said this,

"ape yg i fikir ? i rasa tak patut dpenjarakan, kerana ini adalah hak masing, selain dari tu, yg jual kebanyykn memerlukn duit, terpulangla duit itu nk kemana,itu hak masing2. tidak perlu pertikai kenapa dan knpe kerana meraka ade sbb.
kn lebih baik bg duit, sbb rasanya semua tahu yg pelajar universiti memerlukn duit dr voucher yg xseberapa tu
sbb dari segi voucher itu dijual, rasanya sblm beri mereka da fikir kesan daripada bg voucher tu
samaada advantages or disadvantage
so why nk keluarkn sekarang undang2 tu ?
knpe x tulis je dekat voucher tu, siapa yang menjual voucher bodoh satu malaysia ini akn dpenjara 5 tahun, sebat smpai mati pucuk xkira lelaki perempuan"

ok opinion without political view.

And this was what I had to say to her,

"voucher tu macam diskaun voucher solely just for our books, kalau nak duit or perlukan duit, ada proper channels, zakat, etc. benda tu is given just to kurangkan cost pembelajaran siswa dan siswi, not exactly a charity drive to give money. this voucher thingy i guess was done without proper planning, didn't occur to them that students might actually misuse the voucher. like some bodies actually accept the voucer to be exchange with multiple items like handphones, etc. so the implementation of 5 years of prison and sebat is just a message that this act is a serious offence.i believe benda ni terjadi sebab kerajaan mendapati bahawa terlalu ramai pelajar yang membuat habit untuk photostat buku teks mereka, this itself is a crime and may bring you up to 10 years of prison.."

"Dalam hal kesalahan (a) hingga (f), denda tidak kurang RM2 000 dan tidak melebihi RM20 000 bagi setiap salinan langgaran, atau penjara bagi suatu tempoh tidak melebihi lima tahun atau kedua-duanya dan bagi apa-apa kesalahan kali kemudian, denda tidak kurang dari RM4 000 dan tidak melebihi RM40 000 bagi setiap salinan langgaran untuk kesalahan kedua dan seterusnya. Hukuman penjara juga boleh dikenakan tidak melebihi 10 tahun atau kedua-duanya iaitu denda dan hukuman penjara.
Dalam hal kesalahan (h) hingga (j), denda tidak melebihi RM250 000 atau penjara bagi suatu tempoh tidak melebihi 10 tahun atau kedua-duanya."

End of story, she was speechless.

I imagined her face would be like this,

Adaptation from my senior's blog. Click Here for his blog

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Perkenalan Kepada

Salam kepada bloggers dan juga blog followers saya.

Sihat semua? Alhamdulillah kalau sihat. Entry kali ini mengisahkan kembali mengenai blog saya ini. Saya rasa macam lama tak post entry dalam blog, itu saya terfikir nak menulis. Kepada followers lama saya, mungkin korang sudah melihat perkembangan blog saya ini. Kepada mereka yang baru saja baru mengikut blog saya yang tidak seberapa ini. Ini kisahnya.

Pada dulu kalanya, blog saya ini tempat luahan hati saya. Saya bercerita apa yang terjadi dalam kehidupan saya seharian. Entry entry lama masih ada lagi. Kalau tergerak hati untuk membuka kisah kisah lama, di persilakan, tapi habis baca yang ni dulu la. Hehe. Bila saya lihat balik memang kelakar zaman jahiliah mengenai blog ni. Makin lama saya makin lupa untuk masukkan entry baru. Itu ada kalanya dalam setahun tu, beberapa entry saja yang ada.

Bertahun sudah berlalu, muncul ke tahun 2011. Saya mula giat balik dalam blogging. Blog saya di baik pulih rupanya oleh sahabat karib saya Amezy Syafie. Saya kembali aktif menulis entry ini apabila mendapat inspirasi dari rakan sekampus dengan saya Shahril Fawzy. Melihat entry dia, saya rasa teruja untuk menulis kembali. Sejak itu, saya bertukar cara penulisan. Dari menulis entry yang hanya luahan hati yang tidak ada apa apa impak kepada orang sekaliling saya, saya bertukar persepsi untuk menulis perkara perkara yang memberi impak terhadap orang di luar sana.

Entry entry sekarang, banyak mengisahkan perkara yang ada kene mengene dengan orang di luar. Saya rasa ia lebih berbaloi untuk melakukan sedemikian daripada cerita kosong. Sebab tu ada kala macam saya lama tidak memasukkan entry yang baru. Sebab saya lebih suka mencari bahan bahan yang boleh anda semua baca.

Jadi, itu adalah serba sedikit mengenai blog saya ini. Saya suka keep things simple dan mudah di paham oleh orang ramai. baru menarik jadinya. Mutu lebih penting dari kuantiti yang ada. :)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Good food?

As we all know Malaysia has many variety of food that can be found. From the basic Malay food to the most expensive 5 star hotel food. Surely many of you people got a place of your own to share where the good food is right?

But today I would like to share a little dark side of this. Yesterday I went to this restoran located here in Shah Alam. Went to PKNS to renew my passport, as you know it will take a while to get the passport, so my mom and I decided to get something to eat. How about you people take a look at this photo first. What is your opinion on it and how much the cost is. Try to take a guess.

Took your guess. I'm sure that many of you might think, this would cost about RM10 or below or the highest you might say is RM15. But actually, this cost RM22.90 EXPENSIVE ! And truth to tell. Tak Sedap. It's like the total opposite from its banner. If you see it in the banner, looks tempting. But when we got to the actual thing, I feel like hitting everyone of the workers. It's like they are not organize at all. Do they even want to work? I really don't know why do they even bother to work there if they serve this kind of food. Baik beli dekat pasar malam lagi sedap, lagi murah !

But since we were hungry, so finish everything up. Seriously I don't want to go there anymore ! It's a big NO for me. So not gonna have it.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Adam Adli Digantung 3 Semester

Selepas melihat video yang di publish di youtube. Ini pandangan saya la ye, Adam Adli menunjukkan dia tu angkuh. Maaflah ye Adam, saya tahu anda ingin memperjuangkan kebebasan akademik untuk mahasiswa di negara, akan tetapi, cara awak tu tidak kene.

Pada saya la kan, memang betul apa yang di katakan dalam video Anwar Hadi, kalau nak berDEMO sangat dan ingin menghantarkan memorandum mengenai kebebasan akademik tu, buat la waktu siang, ini tidak, pergi tengah tengah malam buta, lepas tu jerit-jerit, terpekik-pekik, untuk apa? Apa yang anda dapat? Dapat hantar memorandum yang anda inginkan tu ke?

Sebagai mahasiswa, otak anda letak di mana? Di lutut ke? Cuba la awak fikirkan, pejabat tu buka pukul berapa? Hari apa dia beroperasi? Agak bodoh la saya katakan anda sebagai mahasiswa. Dan kalau setakat nak MENCAPUB (Mencari Publisiti Murahan), tak perlu la kot. Bende boleh buat secara baik, tapi awak tu yang tak da otak sangat pergi buat macam tu kenape? itu yang saya katakan, otak letak dekat mana.

Dan maaflah ye Adam Adli, awak tidak kasihankan ibu bapa awak ke? Diaorg telah banyak berhabis bagi awak masuk universiti untuk belajar, tapi awak? Menghabiskan duit mereka dengan melakukan semua ini? Pelik, sangat pelik. Sayang tak kepada ibu bapa awak wahai Adam Adli?

Wahai Adam Adl, fikir fikirkan lah, awak tu seorang pelajar. Tak perlu lah nak sibuk dengan politik, belajar tak sampai mana, ntah dapat kerja ke tak dah sibuk nak berpolitik. Memang kalau diikutkan tidak menggunakan akal yang dikurniakan.

Ini pandangan saya, mungkin ada yang tidak setuju dan mungkin ada yang setuju. Salah silap dalam bahasa harap di maafi. Sebab dah terlampau bengang tengok video dia yang berlagak poyo hebat sangat tu !

Ini video ulasan dari Anwar Hadi (click nama dia untuk ke account youtube beliau)

Kalau korang nak tahu lebih lanjut, check this link out ---> Adam Adli Akan Dibuang U

Adam Adli, you're just a jerk who hasn't even finish his studies and sibuk nak tunjuk hebat. Memalukan mahasiswa je. Kbye.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Another year to an end

Wanted to post this on New Years Eve, but I guess I didn't get the chance to do it since I was away from home. My end of the year holiday was a journey of many memories. If I start to write it down, surely it will be an essay that I can write for English. So instead of that, I would like to share some of the moments that I had . Enjoy :)

 Starting the journey. Sisters :)

 Ini saja lepas geram actually. TEEHEE

 Ombak yang bergelora di Timur Semenanjung Malaysia.

 Ini pula di puncak Banjaran Titiwangsa. 

 Bersama sepupu di Kedah

 Perjalanan Kami ke Thailand

 Restoran Sami di Thailand. Halal ok :)

 Di central. Teehee.

 Kami dua keluarga :)

 Comel tak adik ni? Dia ni penari traditional daripada Indonesia :)

 Pada mulanya kami ingatkan dia ni patung, rupa2nya manusia !

 Cool la kiranya tu

 Chocolate Indulgence untuk adikku Aida Idros dari keluarga sebelah ayah kami. Khas untuk Aida kerana berjaya dalam PMRnya.

Cantik tak? Gambar yang diambil dari atas jambatan Pulau Pinang.

1 minggu meninggalakn rumah memang rindu jadinya. Tapi syukur kami sekeluarga selamat dalam perjalanan itu. Dan yang paling penting, we had fun together :)

Ingin mengurangkan berat badan?

Hai semua. Hari ni saya nak berkongsi sedikit ilmu yang baru dapat ni. Tidak kira lelaki mahupun perempuan, mesti korang nak tampil menarik bukan? Oleh itu saya tunjuk korang 1 jalan yang tidak menggukan apa apa bahan kimia, berikat perut sampai pengsan, mahupun membazir duit membeli alat-alat yang tidak patut.

Korang pernah dengar pasal diet mengikut jenis darah tak? Kalau yang ada pernah dengar tu bagus lah. Tapi yang baru pertama kali dengar tentang hal ni, apa kata korang cuba. Setakat ni, Alhamdulillah, saya dah mula turun berat badan. Dengah hanya tahu ada jenis pemakanan yang saya perlukan. Dah pun dapat turunkan berat badan sekarang ni.

Jadi apa tunggu lagi, mari singgah ke link ini. Semua jenis darah ada. So jangan risau ok :)

Selamat mencuba :)

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year 2012

Good day people ! Gosh I miss my house and the fast internet so much. Syukur, Alhamdulillah that I have all of this facilities at home. 1 week without using the laptop to go online kind of made me suffer. But suffer no more I'm at home. Thank God...

So, how was your new year celebration? Surely all of you lots have extra fun right? With all of those fireworks concerts and I'm guessing that some went to go for a talk with Uztaz Azhar Idrus? Well, what ever was your celebration like, I would like to wish all of you Happy New Year 2011. Hope that this year would be better than the last year, and resolutions would be fulfill to the fullest.

To all of you primary and secondary students, welcome back to school. Do your best in achieving great grades in your examinations and other activities in school. School is a place for you to learn, so learn while you can. Don't waste your time doing unnecessary things such as skipping school, taking drugs, bullying people, "merempit" and etc. I tell you, it's not worth it. Later I know you will regret it and saying that you had waste your time during school time. I can assure you that, like the malay says, Nasi Menjadi Bubur. Nothing can be changed. So think before you do something.
 Next I would also like to wish for the students of IPTA and also IPTS. For those in UiTM, especially in UiTM Alor Gajah, Malacca, welcome back for the second half of the semester, hope you guys would do well in your examinations and also assignments that's been given. Don't wait until last minute then everything would just stress you up. And lately there has been some unpleasant things that is going on among the university students. I guess all of you would know about the demonstration of this and that that happened lately. Just sharing what I would like to say. You're parents sent you to the higher institution to further your study not to be political. If you want to do politic so much, later when you graduate, go ahead. No one will stop you. Since now you are still studying, complete your studies first. If not, it's just a waste of your time and wasting your parents money by doing all of those. So study smart people :)

I'm guessing that some of you might wonder what I did during new years eve don't you? Guess what I did. Sleeping. TEEHEE :D