From what I've viewed yesterday 14/7/2011, it was a beautiful end. Congratulation to the director of the movie, David Yates for doing a splendid job on the movie. From what David says, a video that I've watch, the split the movie into 2 parts due to that he doesn't want to cut to many scenes. It is said that all the part that was cut, was important in the movie, so he doesn't want to fail all Harry Potter fans again. He did said, when he started to cut some of the scenes, he started to feel bad and had the guilt that it would not be as good as it will be. With that, I'm glad that he did Harry Potter 7 in 2 parts.
Many people said that Harry Potter 7 part 1 was not brilliant as it would be because the ending doesn't finished well, but to me, it was a good idea to stop the part 1 where Lord Voldermort found the elder wand. At least, the director didn't loose to much things in part 1. But when it comes to part 2, I had tears coming. It was beautifully done. Almost all the important aspects was there. And I could say that 97% of the movie followed the book. Again I would like to congratulate the director for a wonderful job on ending the story beautifully.
As a big fan, no wait, die hard fan of Harry Potter, I'm glad that Harry had found peace and got married to Ginny ! Yeah, we know that in the book that happened. But seeing it in the movie, its so sweet. Oh, a job well done to the make up artist too. Want to know why? Because they manage to make it more alive. Especially during the end that was like 19 years later, where the characters was suppose to look like adults. Well, they manage to pull it off. It looks like they did live for the the next 19 years later.
Over all, Harry Potter was a movie that I would never get bored watching. I would enjoy it every time I watch it.
Cheers to,
Harry Potter !